Saturday, August 02, 2008

I may not be a true traditionalist. But i have a penchant for thoughtful and meaningful words. Especially if it explains the behaviour of man. Be any race you want, but the character of man is the same. Lies, deceit, slander and the drama of life; in shakespeare's words, "All the world's a stage." I found this poem in malay, Tak seindah wajah, which means "More than it meets the eye." So here goes:

Kusangka aur di pinggir tebing
Kiranya tebu di pinggir bibir
Kusangka jujur pancaran batin
Rupanya palsu penghias zahir

Kukira hati jiwa nurani
Suci seindah wajah terbayang
Kukira puji seikhlas budi
Kulupa lidah tidak bertulang

Di manis gula semut binasa
Kail berduri bersalut umpan
Di manis kata insan terlena
Kerana budi hamba terkorban

Inikah dia lakunan hidup
Di pentas dunia insan berpura
Tipu dan daya pencapai maksud
Budi dan harta merangkum noda.

How true:(

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